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Metric Conversion - Public Policy

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The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 amended earlier government efforts at metric conversion by emphasizing the business aspects in response to the demands of world trade. It also required each federal agency to prepare a metric conversion plan by the end of 1992. Such plans had to provide for the "... use of SI metric units in procurements, grants, and other business-related activities, except to the extent that such use is impractical or is likely to cause significant inefficiencies or loss of markets to US firms, such as when foreign competitors are producing competing products in non-metric units." The law further required each federal agency to submit an annual report on the status of its metric transition. These reports have been compiled by the Department of Commerce.

There is notable progress being made toward metric conversion in the aerospace field; however, the change is more observable in spacecraft than aircraft. An opportunity exists for AIAA to lead the way with its own products and services in this national conversion.

This position paper identifies what AIAA, as an organization, can and should do regarding the planned national transition to the use of SI, the modern metric system of measurement units. Nearly all technical societies have aided their associated industries and professions to some extent in making the necessary plans for adjusting to increasing world-wide use of SI. The use of SI units is the basis of world trade in virtually all commodities and manufactured goods. This use is increasing each year.2 Products designed and made to SI metric specifications are vastly more prevalent than most Americans realize. For instance, US exports of agricultural products are packaged, listed, and priced in SI units.

Most AIAA position papers give an opinion through the Institute on recommended actions by other organizations, typically government. This position paper is oriented internally, however, stating what the Institute itself should do as a precursor to further use of SI units in the industries which AIAA serve